Our healthy school meals are provided by Hertfordshire Catering Limited. If your child has school meals he/she is able to choose a dish from the below current menu:
Red Hot Meat or Fish Dish
Green Hot Vegetarian Dish
Yellow Baguette or Roll
Blue Jacket Potato with various toppings or pasta option
You can also download and print the menu by clicking here
Food Allergies and Special Menus
If your child has a food allergy you will need to complete a form on the Hertfordshire Catering website Hertfordshire Catering Special Menu Application before we can provide a school meal for your child.
School Dinner Cost
The cost of a school meal for the current school year is £3.40 per day. Payment for your child's meals can be made on the Arbor Parent Portal. We ask that you keep your child's dinner money account topped-up wherever possible to avoid going into debt.
If you have not already registered for online payments and app messages please either:
If you have any problems registering or making payment please contact the school – we will be happy to help you. Arbor will give you details of meals taken and payment made including what you currently owe/how much credit you have.
If you are unable to make payments via the Arbor, please contact the office.
Applying for Free School Meals
If you would like to get some further information on applying for Free School Meals and to make an application please visit: www.hertsdirect.org/freeschoolmeals
School Dinner Flexibility
We are pleased to be able to offer the children the flexibility to have a school lunch or home packed lunch any day of the week.
During registration each day your child will be asked by their class teacher whether they require a school meal or if they have brought in packed lunch from home. Please discuss the menu with your children at home, so that they are familiar with the choices on offer each day.
Our healthy school meals are provided by Hertfordshire Catering Limited. If your child has school meals he/she is able to choose a dish from the below current menu:
Red Hot Meat or Fish Dish
Green Hot Vegetarian Dish
Yellow Baguette or Roll
Blue Jacket Potato with various toppings or pasta option
You can also download and print the menu by clicking here
Food Allergies and Special Menus
If your child has a food allergy you will need to complete a form on the Hertfordshire Catering website Hertfordshire Catering Special Menu Application before we can provide a school meal for your child.
School Dinner Cost
The cost of a school meal for the current school year is £3.40 per day. Payment for your child's meals can be made on the Arbor Parent Portal. We ask that you keep your child's dinner money account topped-up wherever possible to avoid going into debt.
If you have not already registered for online payments and app messages please either:
If you have any problems registering or making payment please contact the school – we will be happy to help you. Arbor will give you details of meals taken and payment made including what you currently owe/how much credit you have.
If you are unable to make payments via the Arbor, please contact the office.
Applying for Free School Meals
If you would like to get some further information on applying for Free School Meals and to make an application please visit: www.hertsdirect.org/freeschoolmeals
School Dinner Flexibility
We are pleased to be able to offer the children the flexibility to have a school lunch or home packed lunch any day of the week.
During registration each day your child will be asked by their class teacher whether they require a school meal or if they have brought in packed lunch from home. Please discuss the menu with your children at home, so that they are familiar with the choices on offer each day.