Cranborne Primary School
Laurel Fields
Potters Bar
01707 652714
Claire Keilty, Headteacher
Rachael Wood, Deputy Headteacher
Tara Caldwell, Assistant Headteacher
Our SENCO is Mrs Lucy Holt. She can be contacted via the School Office or on
Our Chair of Governors, Mr Peter Goldfinch, can be contacted by email: or by writing to him directly c/o Cranborne Primary School
General Enquiries are handled by our School Office team on 01707 652714 or via email on admin@cranborne.herts, They are able to deal with most queries, but can direct your enquiry to the relevant person in school if needed.
The School Office is open from 8.15am until 5.00pm - Monday to Thursday and 8.15am until 4.30pm on Friday term time only.
Outside of these hours, please email
We seek to provide a response to any email within 48 hours, during term time.
If you are a parent or carer and you have a query which requires more urgent attention, please call the School Office directly on 01707 652714.
When the school is closed for school holidays, we will not respond to messages unless it is an emergency. A list of our term dates can be found here.
Our staff are not expected to respond to emails in the evenings or at weekends unless it is an emergency.
Please be aware that some staff work part-time and may not always be able to respond within 48 hours.