Laurel Fields, Potters Bar, Herts , EN6 2BA
01707 652714


At Cranborne, Computing is taught weekly in every class. It is a popular subject as lessons are fun and engaging. Computing is taught using an online learning platform called Purple Mash, and the children use either iPads or Chromebooks to access the curriculum. The computing curriculum is divided into three areas; Computer Science, Digital Literacy and Information Technology. Although computing is taught as a stand alone weekly lesson, digital technology is regularly used in other subjects across the school. For example, in Year 1, iPads are used during Design and Technology lessons and higher up in the school the children will often use the Chromebooks to produce a piece of writing during English lessons.

Online safety is embedded into the computing curriculum and is interwoven into everyday conversation with the children. For more information about online safety at Cranborne please click here.

Our learning in the Spring Term...


We look forward to sharing some exciting work with you this term. The children will be engaging with a range of interesting topics this term from how to search effectivly to creating 3D models of shapes.



Please see below some of the fantastic work the children completed over the Autumn term.


Year 4 have been busy creating different animations using 2Animate. 

Parenting in a Digital World

Please find below a useful informative guide to help support you in enabling your child to grow into a responsible digital citizen who can keep themselves safe while, at the same time, getting the most out of the digital world. 

To access the guide click here

Programmes and Apps to support your
child with their Computing learning


Daisy the Dinosaur
Bee Bot
Scratch Junior 
Garage Band
PuppetPals HD
Tux Paint
Our Story
Swift Playgrounds





Other Apps we love:


Purple Mash

We have invested in a learning platform called Purple Mash. This is an engaging web-based platform where the children can log on and access a range of educational games and activities linked to the national curriculum.

Our Computing lessons will be taught using Purple Mash as well as using some of the apps we have used previously.

At times homework will also be set using this website.



Please see Cranborne's Computing Curriculum overview below.

Laurel Fields, Potters Bar, Herts , EN6 2BA
01707 652714


At Cranborne, Computing is taught weekly in every class. It is a popular subject as lessons are fun and engaging. Computing is taught using an online learning platform called Purple Mash, and the children use either iPads or Chromebooks to access the curriculum. The computing curriculum is divided into three areas; Computer Science, Digital Literacy and Information Technology. Although computing is taught as a stand alone weekly lesson, digital technology is regularly used in other subjects across the school. For example, in Year 1, iPads are used during Design and Technology lessons and higher up in the school the children will often use the Chromebooks to produce a piece of writing during English lessons.

Online safety is embedded into the computing curriculum and is interwoven into everyday conversation with the children. For more information about online safety at Cranborne please click here.

Our learning in the Spring Term...


We look forward to sharing some exciting work with you this term. The children will be engaging with a range of interesting topics this term from how to search effectivly to creating 3D models of shapes.



Please see below some of the fantastic work the children completed over the Autumn term.


Year 4 have been busy creating different animations using 2Animate. 

Parenting in a Digital World

Please find below a useful informative guide to help support you in enabling your child to grow into a responsible digital citizen who can keep themselves safe while, at the same time, getting the most out of the digital world. 

To access the guide click here

Programmes and Apps to support your
child with their Computing learning


Daisy the Dinosaur
Bee Bot
Scratch Junior 
Garage Band
PuppetPals HD
Tux Paint
Our Story
Swift Playgrounds





Other Apps we love:


Purple Mash

We have invested in a learning platform called Purple Mash. This is an engaging web-based platform where the children can log on and access a range of educational games and activities linked to the national curriculum.

Our Computing lessons will be taught using Purple Mash as well as using some of the apps we have used previously.

At times homework will also be set using this website.



Please see Cranborne's Computing Curriculum overview below.
