Laurel Fields, Potters Bar, Herts , EN6 2BA
01707 652714

Welcome to Year 4!

Welcome to our Year 4's class page!

Here you will find information about our learning, experiences, class information and any other news

Our Year 4 team 

Staff contact details: 


Mrs Watson: 


Mr Hicks: 



We are really looking forward to the new academic year and all the exciting things we are going to be doing.  

Key Dates and Reminders


Monday 2nd September - INSET day (no children)

Tuesday 3rd September - children return

Wednesday 18th September - Parent Information Evening 5pm

Monday 3oth September - INSET day (no children)

Tuesday 15th October - Open Morning

Monday 21st October - Stone Age Day

Tuesday 22nd and Wednesday 23rd October - individual and class photos

Friday 25th October - end of the first half term



Developing Pulse & Groove Through Improvisation

How does music improve our world?

Design and Technology

We will be designing and making our very own purses using a range of sewing and joining techniques. 




During the second half of the Autumn Term, we will be sculpting clay. We will take inspiration from our Ancient Egyptian topic when designing our patterns in clay, 


This term, our PE session will be on  Thursday morning. Please ensure your children come to school in their PE kits. 

The children will continue to swim every Friday morning. Please ensure your child comes to school 'swim ready', with their swim wear worn underneath their PE kits and their changing bags ready. Thank you.

Useful Websites




Purple Mash can 

 Please find your child's log in details in their reading record

Purple mash is a great resource with lots of resources to explore.


Times Table Rockstars 

Please find your child's log in details in their reading records.

Times Table Rockstars is a fun and engaging way for children to practice their times tables. 


EYE Year 4 Writing in more detail.pdf.pdf .pdf
EYE Year 4 Reading WritingEYE Year 4 Reading Writing EYE Year 4 Reading Writing


This half term we will be learning about the following: 

  • Place Value – Order and Compare Numbers Beyond 1000 Rounding, Estimation and Magnitude


    Securing Addition and Subtraction Mental Fluency


    Securing Formal Written Addition and Subtraction Fluency

    Counting in Multiples of 6, 7, 9, 25 and 1000
    Multiplication and Division Facts (Times Tables)


    Factor Pairs, Integer Scaling and Correspondence Problems


    Problem Solving Including Measures to Apply Place Value, Mental Strategies and 
    Arithmetic Laws


    Multiply and Divide a One or Two-digit Number by 10 and 100
    Measure – Conversion of Units
    Measures – Compare, Estimate and Calculate 


    Discrete and Continuous Data (Time Graphs), Including Application of Scales and 




Each morning, your child will continue to complete their 'Early Morning Work' to consolidate their skills and build mental fluency.

How can I help my child?

Ask your child to explain to you what they have done during the school day.  Ask your children to pretend to be the teacher and explain the methods that they have learnt in class.  Please look on Purple Mash and Mathletics for tasks that will support your child's learning.  

Mental fluency

Helping your child with their mental fluency is the most effective way to improve your children's skills. 

Please ensure you are helping your child by asking them questions on the following topics:

  • Times tables (up to 12 x 12)
  • Rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000
  • Halving numbers - even tricky ones such as 72 
  • Doubling numbers 
  • Adding 
  • Subtracting
  • Telling the time

Times tables

Each week, we will be testing children on their table knowledge using Purple Mash.  Children will be tested weekly using Ipads. There will be 6 seconds in between each question.  Each week we will record a score out of 25.  

In June, all children in the UK will be sitting a government timetable test. They will be expected the know all their multiplication facts ( times tables) up to 12 x 12 and recall these at speed. The test will be on the iPads and they will have 5 seconds to answer the questions.

Please continue to support your child by practicing regularly home. Each week we will be revisiting a different multiplication table and every Friday the children will be doing a test based on their tables they have learnt so far.   


TIMESTABLES ROCKSTARS: This is a brilliant resource to use to assist children with their times table knowledge. 

Every child has their log in details in their reading record. 


.  This term we will be learning about changing states of matter. We will be.....


•  recognising everyday substances as mixtures of solids, liquids and/or gases

•       recognise that air is a material and that it is one of a range of gases which have important uses

•       recognise that gases flow from place to place

•       know that gases can be easily compressed

•       describe the differences between solids and liquids 

•       compare simple solids and liquids (e.g. in terms of ease of squashing or pouring)

•       compare and group materials together, according to whether they are solids, liquids or gases 

•       make clear distinctions between the properties of solids, liquids and gases

•       identify a wide range of contexts in which changes of state take place 

•       describe a few examples where these changes occur

•       recognise that for a substance to be detected  by smell, some of it must be in the gas state

•       observe that some materials change state when they are heated or cooled, and measure or research the temperature at which this happens in degrees Celsius (°C) 

•       describe how when ice melts it turns to liquid and how when water freezes it becomes ice

•       describe how these processes can be reversed

•       describe how liquids evaporate to form gases and how gases condense to form liquids

•       sequence the changes that happen in the water cycle

•       describe the water cycle in terms of these processes 

•       explain the relationship between liquids and solids in terms of melting and freezing

•       explain the relationship between liquids and gases in terms of evaporation and condensation

•       identify the part played by evaporation and condensation in the water cycle and associate the rate of evaporation with temperature

•       know that temperature can affect the rate of evaporation or condensation 

•       describe the effect of temperature on evaporation 

•       explain how changing conditions affects processes such as evaporation and condensation







Ultimate Times Table Daily Practice Booklet 17.pdf.pdf .pdf
Ultimate Times Table Daily Practice Booklet 18.pdf.pdf .pdf
Ultimate Times Table Daily Practice Booklet 19.pdf.pdf .pdf
Ultimate Times Table Daily Practice Booklet 20.pdf.pdf .pdf
Ultimate Times Table Daily Practice Booklet 21.pdf.pdf .pdf
Ultimate Times Table Daily Practice Booklet 22.pdf.pdf .pdf
Ultimate Times Table Daily Practice Booklet 23.pdf.pdf .pdf
Ultimate Times Table Daily Practice Booklet 24.pdf.pdf .pdf
Ultimate Times Table Daily Practice Booklet 25.pdf.pdf .pdf
Ultimate Times Table Daily Practice Booklet 26.pdf.pdf .pdf



Working from home

If your child wishes to do some work at home, please see below for some work they may wish to complete.

We suggest your child should complete the following:

Maths (White Rose), English (Oak academy or Bitesize), Independent reading and a Science task..



Choose one of the following

Click on the link for lessons


Use the BBC link to pick your lesson from the day.


You may like to explore these lessons from Oak Academy.



Click on the link to a sequence based on the book 'Hansel and Gretel', by Anthony Brown.


This half term we will be studying 'The Tin Forest' and will be writing a diary entry and a setting description. Our grammar focus will be:

  • noun phrases
  • punctuation 
  • subordinating conjunctions 
  • prepositions  
  • ambitious vocabulary 

Throughout Year 4, the children will be working towards achieving their pen licences.  We will continuously work on their handwriting ensuring it is joined up and neat. 

Each week, we will continue to teach reading comprehension skills through a scheme called 'Cracking Comprehension'.  


Oxford owl:

For extra spelling resources and ebooks please follow this link: 

Username: cranborne

Password: school 1 


Helping children to develop a love of reading is our passion at Cranborne. In order to develop their fluency and comprehension skills, pupils are expected to read everyday for at least 10 minutes (from a variety of texts) and have their reading record signed. These will be checked regularly. 


We will continue to use the Accelerate Reader programme and quizzes in school.  Please do speak to your class teacher if you have any questions.



We expect the children to be reading and practising their timetable 5 times per week.


School closure

In the event of school closure, all work will be set via the school webpage.

If your child is required to self isolate, please inform your child's class teacher and we will provide work for them to complete. 


Curriculum Overview

 See below for an overview of the curriculum subjects we will be teaching this year.
