Lunchtimes are a great part of the day! Not only do children eat delicious and nutritious meals but they have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of activities. Our musicians attend choir and our dedicated team of lunchtime supervisors organise fun activities across the week for all children. Each year group have their own supervisor who gets to know the children individually and provides care and support for the whole year. We take children's concerns and views seriously and every effort is made to resolve conflict quickly. Supervisors liaise daily with class teachers to ensure good continuity and smooth transition during the day. All of our lunchtime supervisors are trained in first aid and have received training in child protection, positive behaviour management and leading play.
Meals are provided by Herts Catering and cooked freshly on the premises. Children have a choice and parents have access to the menu online for the weeks ahead so they can be involved in what their child eats. Alternatively you are welcome to provide a healthy packed lunch for your child. Recommendations on what to include in your lunch box are provided in the starting school handbook - 'A guide for parents'.
Lunchtimes are a great part of the day! Not only do children eat delicious and nutritious meals but they have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of activities. Our musicians attend choir and our dedicated team of lunchtime supervisors organise fun activities across the week for all children. Each year group have their own supervisor who gets to know the children individually and provides care and support for the whole year. We take children's concerns and views seriously and every effort is made to resolve conflict quickly. Supervisors liaise daily with class teachers to ensure good continuity and smooth transition during the day. All of our lunchtime supervisors are trained in first aid and have received training in child protection, positive behaviour management and leading play.
Meals are provided by Herts Catering and cooked freshly on the premises. Children have a choice and parents have access to the menu online for the weeks ahead so they can be involved in what their child eats. Alternatively you are welcome to provide a healthy packed lunch for your child. Recommendations on what to include in your lunch box are provided in the starting school handbook - 'A guide for parents'.