Laurel Fields, Potters Bar, Herts , EN6 2BA
01707 652714

Application for September 2025 Nursery Places

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At Cranborne Primary School, we care about giving your child the best possible start to their school life.  Cranborne Nursery is open to children who are 3 years old and turning 4, and due to start in Reception the following September.

Our dedicated staff members are committed to meeting the needs of each individual child, whilst nurturing their interests and talents. Activities are planned to ensure all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum are covered and are designed to follow the interests of the children to ensure maximum engagement.

We offer a safe and stimulating environment both inside and outside, which is filled with open-ended resources and learning opportunities.

Here at Cranborne, we have an ‘open door’ policy and welcome parents and carers to contact us with regards to your child’s progress and with any questions or concerns you may have.

We welcome the chance for you to come and see us in action, so if you would like to visit, please contact and make an appointment.




What we offer:

We are pleased to announce that we now offer 30 hours of free childcare in our Nursery for eligible families!
To find out whether you are eligible, please read the following guidance -

All parents are entitled to 15 hours of free childcare, however we also offer a Wraparound Club for those parents who require the extra hours of childcare. These are chargeable to the parent/carer. The Nursery operates from 8:45am to 11:45am and the Wraparound Club operates from 11.45am to 3:15pm at a cost of £30 a day. If a child is staying for the full day, parents are able to  provide a packed lunch or choose a school dinner.  Wraparound Club must be booked and paid for in advance.


What am I entitled to?

All children who are three or four years old are entitled to 15 hours of free childcare. Some children may be entitled to 30 hours of free childcare. 

Schools are now responsible for their own nursery admissions. In Potters Bar, we have worked together to agree times and a process that align. All parents need to apply directly to the school by filling out an application form. At Cranborne, we have created an online form. Please see below.


School Tours

We hold tours of our wonderful school to coincide with key admission dates into Nursery and Reception,

You will be able to meet some of the teaching staff, see the children in action in their classrooms and have an opportunity to ask any questions.

School Tour Dates:

Our School Tours will take place in the Autumn Term 2025.

Please email our admissions assistant at for more information


When do I apply?

You are able to apply for our Nursery by completing the online form and a memeber of the admissions will be in touch regarding a place for your child.  Please click here to apply


How are applications Considered?

Once the closing date has arrived, we will then consider all the applications made. If there are less than 39 applications made, all offers will be made. If we receive more applications, then the following  criteria will be applied:

1. Does your child have an EHCP?

2. Is your child a looked after child?

3. Does your child have any medical or social  reasons that make Cranborne the best placed setting for your child?

4. Does your child have a sibling in the school?

5. Do one or more of the parents work in the school?

6. Do you live close to the school (shortest distance will take priority)?

To be eligible for criteria 1-3, further documents will be required at the point of application.  If these are not sent to the school before the application deadline, this criteria will not be considered.


How will distances be measured?

We will use the following online distance measuring tool to calculate the straight line distance from your house to the school


When will offers be made?

Offers will be made in March 2025. Parents will have until the April to accept or reject the offer.



For our Nursery Admissions Policy please visit the policies page or ask for a hard copy from the school office.