Spring Term 2025
Staff contact details
If you need to contact us about your child then please use the email addresses below.
Mrs Davis
Mrs Wasilewski
Mrs Majevadia
Mrs Ribbons
Mrs McCarthy
Key Dates and Reminders
Mon 6th Jan - first day back to school
Weds 15th Jan - parent consultations 4.30-7.30pm
Thurs 16th Jan - parent consultations 3.45-6.30pm
Tues 11th Feb - Epping Forest trip
Mon 17th - Fri 21st - half term
Mon 24th Feb - INSET Day - no children please
Thurs 6th March - World Book Day
Weds 19th March - NO AFTER SCHOOL CLUB - whole school staff training
Fri 4th April - end of term 1.15pm
This term we will begin by looking at both multiplication and division. The children will look at the relationship between both these operations and be taught to use formal methods for solving mathematical questions.
We will then move onto our unit on fractions, where children will order and compare fractions with the same denominator. They will learn about unit and non-unit fractions before using their knowledge to add and subtract fractions.
This term we will be reading 'The Firework Maker's Daughter' by Philip Pullman. The children will be diving into pullman's writing style and expanding their vocabulary, ready to use in their own writing.
Our focus will continue to be on sentence structure using conjunctions, expanded noun phrases and time adverbs.
We will be continuing to work on handwriting, trying to develop a joined hndwriting style. The children will continue to practice a cursive style focusing on their letter formation, sizing and correct joins.
The Oxford Owl spelling scheme will be used each week in class to ensure the children develop their knowledge of spelling patterns.
Useful Websites
Please find your child's log in details in their Reading Record. If you have any questions, please come and see us.
Purple Mash
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
No data |
Curriculum Overview for Year 3
At Cranborne, we are committed to developing in children a love of reading. We will be introducing the children to new, exciting texts in class and in order to develop their fluency and comprehension skills, the children are expected to read everyday for at least 10 minutes (from a variety of texts). They will need to have their reading record signed and these will be checked regularly in school. In Year 3, the children will continue with the Accelerated Reader programme which focuses on comprehension as well as reading skills. The children will complete the Star Reader test at the start of term. This may mean that their current reading level may change slightly, but once they are back in the swing of reading each night this will improve once again.
Foundation Subjects
Art - In Art this term, we will be looking at volcano art. The focus will be on perspective - here, near and far
Music - In class, the children will to sing a variety of songs and develop musicality using Sing Up as the basis for all our learning.
French - The children will continue their French learning by looking at the seasons and fruit and vegetables.
Science - In science, our topic will be Rocks and Soils. We have an exciting trip planned to Epping Forest. Here we will explore different types of rocks and soils and their properties..
PHSE - Our Jigsaw themes for the first half term will be 'Dreams and Goals'. Here the children will think about their aspirations and how to achieve them. After half term, the children will look at how to keep their minds and bodies healthy.
DT- We will be looking at stable structures and we will be constructing our own bridges using only paper!
IT - This will be taught weekly and will focus on using Purple Mash to premote online safety. The children will use the chrome books to complete units on presenting and graphing.
Useful Websites for Home Learning
BBC Bitesize Maths
Times Table Rockstars
White Rose Maths
Purple Mash
Purple Mash
BBC Bitesize English
All subjects
Oak Academy
PE kits need to be worn on a Tuesday and a Friday for both classes this term.
PE this term will be on a Tuesday morning and a Friday afternoon.
On these days, the children need to come in dressed in their PE kits. Please ensure their clothing is weather appropriate and that all PE clothing is named.
Water Bottles
Please ensure that your child comes in each day with a labelled water bottle. It is vital that the children stay hydrated throughout the day.
Pencil Cases
The children will need pencil cases in school this term. Please make sure all the equipment is clearly labelled with your child's name. Please include the following items
You may also want to include some coloured pencils as well.
Please ensure that you are hearing your child read regularly (4/5 times a week). The reading records will be checked daily in year 3.
This term our topic will be Polar Opposites
The children will look at the Arctic and the Antarctic. They will compare them and look at the different animals that live there.
Home Learning Work
If you would like any extra work for your child to complete then please have a look at the work below or visit the websites listed on this page.
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Mat-1.pdf.pdf | |||
Mat-2.pdf.pdf | |||
Mat-3.pdf.pdf | |||
Mat-4.pdf.pdf | |||
Mat-5.pdf.pdf | |||
Mat-6.pdf.pdf |
Maths and English Skills
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Maths and English skills.pdf.pdf |
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Year 3 Independent Maths and English Workbook.pdf.pdf |
Spring Term 2025
Staff contact details
If you need to contact us about your child then please use the email addresses below.
Mrs Davis
Mrs Wasilewski
Mrs Majevadia
Mrs Ribbons
Mrs McCarthy
Key Dates and Reminders
Mon 6th Jan - first day back to school
Weds 15th Jan - parent consultations 4.30-7.30pm
Thurs 16th Jan - parent consultations 3.45-6.30pm
Tues 11th Feb - Epping Forest trip
Mon 17th - Fri 21st - half term
Mon 24th Feb - INSET Day - no children please
Thurs 6th March - World Book Day
Weds 19th March - NO AFTER SCHOOL CLUB - whole school staff training
Fri 4th April - end of term 1.15pm
This term we will begin by looking at both multiplication and division. The children will look at the relationship between both these operations and be taught to use formal methods for solving mathematical questions.
We will then move onto our unit on fractions, where children will order and compare fractions with the same denominator. They will learn about unit and non-unit fractions before using their knowledge to add and subtract fractions.
This term we will be reading 'The Firework Maker's Daughter' by Philip Pullman. The children will be diving into pullman's writing style and expanding their vocabulary, ready to use in their own writing.
Our focus will continue to be on sentence structure using conjunctions, expanded noun phrases and time adverbs.
We will be continuing to work on handwriting, trying to develop a joined hndwriting style. The children will continue to practice a cursive style focusing on their letter formation, sizing and correct joins.
The Oxford Owl spelling scheme will be used each week in class to ensure the children develop their knowledge of spelling patterns.
Useful Websites
Please find your child's log in details in their Reading Record. If you have any questions, please come and see us.
Purple Mash
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
No data |
Curriculum Overview for Year 3
At Cranborne, we are committed to developing in children a love of reading. We will be introducing the children to new, exciting texts in class and in order to develop their fluency and comprehension skills, the children are expected to read everyday for at least 10 minutes (from a variety of texts). They will need to have their reading record signed and these will be checked regularly in school. In Year 3, the children will continue with the Accelerated Reader programme which focuses on comprehension as well as reading skills. The children will complete the Star Reader test at the start of term. This may mean that their current reading level may change slightly, but once they are back in the swing of reading each night this will improve once again.
Foundation Subjects
Art - In Art this term, we will be looking at volcano art. The focus will be on perspective - here, near and far
Music - In class, the children will to sing a variety of songs and develop musicality using Sing Up as the basis for all our learning.
French - The children will continue their French learning by looking at the seasons and fruit and vegetables.
Science - In science, our topic will be Rocks and Soils. We have an exciting trip planned to Epping Forest. Here we will explore different types of rocks and soils and their properties..
PHSE - Our Jigsaw themes for the first half term will be 'Dreams and Goals'. Here the children will think about their aspirations and how to achieve them. After half term, the children will look at how to keep their minds and bodies healthy.
DT- We will be looking at stable structures and we will be constructing our own bridges using only paper!
IT - This will be taught weekly and will focus on using Purple Mash to premote online safety. The children will use the chrome books to complete units on presenting and graphing.
Useful Websites for Home Learning
BBC Bitesize Maths
Times Table Rockstars
White Rose Maths
Purple Mash
Purple Mash
BBC Bitesize English
All subjects
Oak Academy
PE kits need to be worn on a Tuesday and a Friday for both classes this term.
PE this term will be on a Tuesday morning and a Friday afternoon.
On these days, the children need to come in dressed in their PE kits. Please ensure their clothing is weather appropriate and that all PE clothing is named.
Water Bottles
Please ensure that your child comes in each day with a labelled water bottle. It is vital that the children stay hydrated throughout the day.
Pencil Cases
The children will need pencil cases in school this term. Please make sure all the equipment is clearly labelled with your child's name. Please include the following items
You may also want to include some coloured pencils as well.
Please ensure that you are hearing your child read regularly (4/5 times a week). The reading records will be checked daily in year 3.
This term our topic will be Polar Opposites
The children will look at the Arctic and the Antarctic. They will compare them and look at the different animals that live there.
Home Learning Work
If you would like any extra work for your child to complete then please have a look at the work below or visit the websites listed on this page.
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Mat-1.pdf.pdf | |||
Mat-2.pdf.pdf | |||
Mat-3.pdf.pdf | |||
Mat-4.pdf.pdf | |||
Mat-5.pdf.pdf | |||
Mat-6.pdf.pdf |
Maths and English Skills
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Maths and English skills.pdf.pdf |
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Year 3 Independent Maths and English Workbook.pdf.pdf |
Spring Term 2025
Staff contact details
If you need to contact us about your child then please use the email addresses below.
Mrs Davis
Mrs Wasilewski
Mrs Majevadia
Mrs Ribbons
Mrs McCarthy
Key Dates and Reminders
Mon 6th Jan - first day back to school
Weds 15th Jan - parent consultations 4.30-7.30pm
Thurs 16th Jan - parent consultations 3.45-6.30pm
Tues 11th Feb - Epping Forest trip
Mon 17th - Fri 21st - half term
Mon 24th Feb - INSET Day - no children please
Thurs 6th March - World Book Day
Weds 19th March - NO AFTER SCHOOL CLUB - whole school staff training
Fri 4th April - end of term 1.15pm
This term we will begin by looking at both multiplication and division. The children will look at the relationship between both these operations and be taught to use formal methods for solving mathematical questions.
We will then move onto our unit on fractions, where children will order and compare fractions with the same denominator. They will learn about unit and non-unit fractions before using their knowledge to add and subtract fractions.
This term we will be reading 'The Firework Maker's Daughter' by Philip Pullman. The children will be diving into pullman's writing style and expanding their vocabulary, ready to use in their own writing.
Our focus will continue to be on sentence structure using conjunctions, expanded noun phrases and time adverbs.
We will be continuing to work on handwriting, trying to develop a joined hndwriting style. The children will continue to practice a cursive style focusing on their letter formation, sizing and correct joins.
The Oxford Owl spelling scheme will be used each week in class to ensure the children develop their knowledge of spelling patterns.
Useful Websites
Please find your child's log in details in their Reading Record. If you have any questions, please come and see us.
Purple Mash
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
No data |
Curriculum Overview for Year 3
At Cranborne, we are committed to developing in children a love of reading. We will be introducing the children to new, exciting texts in class and in order to develop their fluency and comprehension skills, the children are expected to read everyday for at least 10 minutes (from a variety of texts). They will need to have their reading record signed and these will be checked regularly in school. In Year 3, the children will continue with the Accelerated Reader programme which focuses on comprehension as well as reading skills. The children will complete the Star Reader test at the start of term. This may mean that their current reading level may change slightly, but once they are back in the swing of reading each night this will improve once again.
Foundation Subjects
Art - In Art this term, we will be looking at volcano art. The focus will be on perspective - here, near and far
Music - In class, the children will to sing a variety of songs and develop musicality using Sing Up as the basis for all our learning.
French - The children will continue their French learning by looking at the seasons and fruit and vegetables.
Science - In science, our topic will be Rocks and Soils. We have an exciting trip planned to Epping Forest. Here we will explore different types of rocks and soils and their properties..
PHSE - Our Jigsaw themes for the first half term will be 'Dreams and Goals'. Here the children will think about their aspirations and how to achieve them. After half term, the children will look at how to keep their minds and bodies healthy.
DT- We will be looking at stable structures and we will be constructing our own bridges using only paper!
IT - This will be taught weekly and will focus on using Purple Mash to premote online safety. The children will use the chrome books to complete units on presenting and graphing.
Useful Websites for Home Learning
BBC Bitesize Maths
Times Table Rockstars
White Rose Maths
Purple Mash
Purple Mash
BBC Bitesize English
All subjects
Oak Academy
PE kits need to be worn on a Tuesday and a Friday for both classes this term.
PE this term will be on a Tuesday morning and a Friday afternoon.
On these days, the children need to come in dressed in their PE kits. Please ensure their clothing is weather appropriate and that all PE clothing is named.
Water Bottles
Please ensure that your child comes in each day with a labelled water bottle. It is vital that the children stay hydrated throughout the day.
Pencil Cases
The children will need pencil cases in school this term. Please make sure all the equipment is clearly labelled with your child's name. Please include the following items
You may also want to include some coloured pencils as well.
Please ensure that you are hearing your child read regularly (4/5 times a week). The reading records will be checked daily in year 3.
This term our topic will be Polar Opposites
The children will look at the Arctic and the Antarctic. They will compare them and look at the different animals that live there.
Home Learning Work
If you would like any extra work for your child to complete then please have a look at the work below or visit the websites listed on this page.
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Mat-1.pdf.pdf | |||
Mat-2.pdf.pdf | |||
Mat-3.pdf.pdf | |||
Mat-4.pdf.pdf | |||
Mat-5.pdf.pdf | |||
Mat-6.pdf.pdf |
Maths and English Skills
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Maths and English skills.pdf.pdf |
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Year 3 Independent Maths and English Workbook.pdf.pdf |
Spring Term 2025
Staff contact details
If you need to contact us about your child then please use the email addresses below.
Mrs Davis
Mrs Wasilewski
Mrs Majevadia
Mrs Ribbons
Mrs McCarthy
Key Dates and Reminders
Mon 6th Jan - first day back to school
Weds 15th Jan - parent consultations 4.30-7.30pm
Thurs 16th Jan - parent consultations 3.45-6.30pm
Tues 11th Feb - Epping Forest trip
Mon 17th - Fri 21st - half term
Mon 24th Feb - INSET Day - no children please
Thurs 6th March - World Book Day
Weds 19th March - NO AFTER SCHOOL CLUB - whole school staff training
Fri 4th April - end of term 1.15pm
This term we will begin by looking at both multiplication and division. The children will look at the relationship between both these operations and be taught to use formal methods for solving mathematical questions.
We will then move onto our unit on fractions, where children will order and compare fractions with the same denominator. They will learn about unit and non-unit fractions before using their knowledge to add and subtract fractions.
This term we will be reading 'The Firework Maker's Daughter' by Philip Pullman. The children will be diving into pullman's writing style and expanding their vocabulary, ready to use in their own writing.
Our focus will continue to be on sentence structure using conjunctions, expanded noun phrases and time adverbs.
We will be continuing to work on handwriting, trying to develop a joined hndwriting style. The children will continue to practice a cursive style focusing on their letter formation, sizing and correct joins.
The Oxford Owl spelling scheme will be used each week in class to ensure the children develop their knowledge of spelling patterns.
Useful Websites
Please find your child's log in details in their Reading Record. If you have any questions, please come and see us.
Purple Mash
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
No data |
Curriculum Overview for Year 3
At Cranborne, we are committed to developing in children a love of reading. We will be introducing the children to new, exciting texts in class and in order to develop their fluency and comprehension skills, the children are expected to read everyday for at least 10 minutes (from a variety of texts). They will need to have their reading record signed and these will be checked regularly in school. In Year 3, the children will continue with the Accelerated Reader programme which focuses on comprehension as well as reading skills. The children will complete the Star Reader test at the start of term. This may mean that their current reading level may change slightly, but once they are back in the swing of reading each night this will improve once again.
Foundation Subjects
Art - In Art this term, we will be looking at volcano art. The focus will be on perspective - here, near and far
Music - In class, the children will to sing a variety of songs and develop musicality using Sing Up as the basis for all our learning.
French - The children will continue their French learning by looking at the seasons and fruit and vegetables.
Science - In science, our topic will be Rocks and Soils. We have an exciting trip planned to Epping Forest. Here we will explore different types of rocks and soils and their properties..
PHSE - Our Jigsaw themes for the first half term will be 'Dreams and Goals'. Here the children will think about their aspirations and how to achieve them. After half term, the children will look at how to keep their minds and bodies healthy.
DT- We will be looking at stable structures and we will be constructing our own bridges using only paper!
IT - This will be taught weekly and will focus on using Purple Mash to premote online safety. The children will use the chrome books to complete units on presenting and graphing.
Useful Websites for Home Learning
BBC Bitesize Maths
Times Table Rockstars
White Rose Maths
Purple Mash
Purple Mash
BBC Bitesize English
All subjects
Oak Academy
PE kits need to be worn on a Tuesday and a Friday for both classes this term.
PE this term will be on a Tuesday morning and a Friday afternoon.
On these days, the children need to come in dressed in their PE kits. Please ensure their clothing is weather appropriate and that all PE clothing is named.
Water Bottles
Please ensure that your child comes in each day with a labelled water bottle. It is vital that the children stay hydrated throughout the day.
Pencil Cases
The children will need pencil cases in school this term. Please make sure all the equipment is clearly labelled with your child's name. Please include the following items
You may also want to include some coloured pencils as well.
Please ensure that you are hearing your child read regularly (4/5 times a week). The reading records will be checked daily in year 3.
This term our topic will be Polar Opposites
The children will look at the Arctic and the Antarctic. They will compare them and look at the different animals that live there.
Home Learning Work
If you would like any extra work for your child to complete then please have a look at the work below or visit the websites listed on this page.
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Mat-1.pdf.pdf | |||
Mat-2.pdf.pdf | |||
Mat-3.pdf.pdf | |||
Mat-4.pdf.pdf | |||
Mat-5.pdf.pdf | |||
Mat-6.pdf.pdf |
Maths and English Skills
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Maths and English skills.pdf.pdf |
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Year 3 Independent Maths and English Workbook.pdf.pdf |
Spring Term 2025
Staff contact details
If you need to contact us about your child then please use the email addresses below.
Mrs Davis
Mrs Wasilewski
Mrs Majevadia
Mrs Ribbons
Mrs McCarthy
Key Dates and Reminders
Mon 6th Jan - first day back to school
Weds 15th Jan - parent consultations 4.30-7.30pm
Thurs 16th Jan - parent consultations 3.45-6.30pm
Tues 11th Feb - Epping Forest trip
Mon 17th - Fri 21st - half term
Mon 24th Feb - INSET Day - no children please
Thurs 6th March - World Book Day
Weds 19th March - NO AFTER SCHOOL CLUB - whole school staff training
Fri 4th April - end of term 1.15pm
This term we will begin by looking at both multiplication and division. The children will look at the relationship between both these operations and be taught to use formal methods for solving mathematical questions.
We will then move onto our unit on fractions, where children will order and compare fractions with the same denominator. They will learn about unit and non-unit fractions before using their knowledge to add and subtract fractions.
This term we will be reading 'The Firework Maker's Daughter' by Philip Pullman. The children will be diving into pullman's writing style and expanding their vocabulary, ready to use in their own writing.
Our focus will continue to be on sentence structure using conjunctions, expanded noun phrases and time adverbs.
We will be continuing to work on handwriting, trying to develop a joined hndwriting style. The children will continue to practice a cursive style focusing on their letter formation, sizing and correct joins.
The Oxford Owl spelling scheme will be used each week in class to ensure the children develop their knowledge of spelling patterns.
Useful Websites
Please find your child's log in details in their Reading Record. If you have any questions, please come and see us.
Purple Mash
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
No data |
Curriculum Overview for Year 3
At Cranborne, we are committed to developing in children a love of reading. We will be introducing the children to new, exciting texts in class and in order to develop their fluency and comprehension skills, the children are expected to read everyday for at least 10 minutes (from a variety of texts). They will need to have their reading record signed and these will be checked regularly in school. In Year 3, the children will continue with the Accelerated Reader programme which focuses on comprehension as well as reading skills. The children will complete the Star Reader test at the start of term. This may mean that their current reading level may change slightly, but once they are back in the swing of reading each night this will improve once again.
Foundation Subjects
Art - In Art this term, we will be looking at volcano art. The focus will be on perspective - here, near and far
Music - In class, the children will to sing a variety of songs and develop musicality using Sing Up as the basis for all our learning.
French - The children will continue their French learning by looking at the seasons and fruit and vegetables.
Science - In science, our topic will be Rocks and Soils. We have an exciting trip planned to Epping Forest. Here we will explore different types of rocks and soils and their properties..
PHSE - Our Jigsaw themes for the first half term will be 'Dreams and Goals'. Here the children will think about their aspirations and how to achieve them. After half term, the children will look at how to keep their minds and bodies healthy.
DT- We will be looking at stable structures and we will be constructing our own bridges using only paper!
IT - This will be taught weekly and will focus on using Purple Mash to premote online safety. The children will use the chrome books to complete units on presenting and graphing.
Useful Websites for Home Learning
BBC Bitesize Maths
Times Table Rockstars
White Rose Maths
Purple Mash
Purple Mash
BBC Bitesize English
All subjects
Oak Academy
PE kits need to be worn on a Tuesday and a Friday for both classes this term.
PE this term will be on a Tuesday morning and a Friday afternoon.
On these days, the children need to come in dressed in their PE kits. Please ensure their clothing is weather appropriate and that all PE clothing is named.
Water Bottles
Please ensure that your child comes in each day with a labelled water bottle. It is vital that the children stay hydrated throughout the day.
Pencil Cases
The children will need pencil cases in school this term. Please make sure all the equipment is clearly labelled with your child's name. Please include the following items
You may also want to include some coloured pencils as well.
Please ensure that you are hearing your child read regularly (4/5 times a week). The reading records will be checked daily in year 3.
This term our topic will be Polar Opposites
The children will look at the Arctic and the Antarctic. They will compare them and look at the different animals that live there.
Home Learning Work
If you would like any extra work for your child to complete then please have a look at the work below or visit the websites listed on this page.
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Mat-1.pdf.pdf | |||
Mat-2.pdf.pdf | |||
Mat-3.pdf.pdf | |||
Mat-4.pdf.pdf | |||
Mat-5.pdf.pdf | |||
Mat-6.pdf.pdf |
Maths and English Skills
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Maths and English skills.pdf.pdf |
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Year 3 Independent Maths and English Workbook.pdf.pdf |