Laurel Fields, Potters Bar, Herts , EN6 2BA
01707 652714



Welcome to Year 5's class page.

Here you will find information about our fantastic learning, experiences, class information and any other news.

Class email details:


Mrs Christoforou:

Mrs Fleming:


Miss Hughes:

Mrs Antoniou:


Welcome to the Spring Term 2024-25

Dear Year 5 families, carers and children,

What an incredible Autumn term the children have had. We are so proud of how hard they have worked and the amazing work they have produced. 

Please find below some information about our learning that is planned for this term as well as some dates and documents that may be helpful. You can also find some suggestions (near the bottom of the page) for home learning if the school is closed or your child is unable to come to school, but feeling well enough:

Key Dates for Spring term

Monday 6th January - First day back for all children

Wednesday 15th January - Parent Consultation 4.30-7.30 

Thursday 16th January - Parent Consultation 3.45 - 6.30 

Thursday 16th January - Ancient Greece Day

Wednesday 22nd January - year 4-6 choir at the O2


Monday 17th - 21st February - Half Term

Monday 24th February - Inset day - no children please 


Thursday 6th March - World Book Day

Friday 4th April - Break up at 1:15



Monday 6th January First Day Back for All Children
Wednesday 15th January
Parent Teacher Consultations 4:30pm to 7:30pm
Thursday 16th January
Parent Teacher Consultations 3:45pm to 6:30pm
Thursday 16th January
Year 5 Ancient Greece Day – History off the Page
Wednesday 22nd January
Years 4, 5 & 6 Choir - Young Voices at The O2 Arena
Tuesday 28th January
Years 1 & 2 Mental Health Workshop for Parents 9am to 10am
Thursday 30th January
Year 6 RAF Museum Trip
Thursday 6th February
Year 1 History of Toys Day
Tuesday 11th February
Year 3 Epping Forest Field Studies Day



In Maths, we will revise and practise all of the maths skills that you have gained so far at school. We will also be extending your understanding and focusing on the following areas of learning:

  • fractions
  • area 
  • measure 
  • percentages 
  • shape
  • reflection/translation
  • At home, please continue to make regular use of Mathletics, Times Tables Rockstars and Purple Mash. Most days will begin with a Maths 'Early Morning Work' session.

Keep practising fast recall of the times tables as we know how hard you have all worked to learn these.


Physical Education:

This term, PE will be on Mondays and Fridays.

The PE foci for the autumn term will be hockey, gym, tag rugby and dance.

We will be having outdoor PE on a Monday afternoon, and indoor PE will be taught by Mr Roberts on a Friday afternoon.

Please ensure that children wear the required PE kit to school on these days, long hair is tied back and that earrings are removed. 


Religious Education: 

 Our key questions that will drive our learning this term:

Big Question 1- 

What spiritual pathways to moksha are written about in Hindu scriptures?


Big Question 2 -

What does the Qur'an reveal about Allah and his guidance?





How to help at home:

  • Use Pobble 365 website to practise creative writing
  • Practise times tables using Times Tables Rockstars
  • Reading together and asking what has happened so far
  • Discussing new vocabulary
  • Reading a range of genres: letters that come through the post, news articles
  • Practise your spellings by writing words in different colours or making a nice poster with tricky words on
  • Ask your child to explain the maths concept we have been learning this week
  • Baking – practise measuring and converting grams/kilograms
  • Telling the time

Oxford owl:

For extra spelling resources and ebooks please follow this link: 

Username: cranborne

Password: school 1 




In the Spring term, our key texts will be The Promise, The Explorer and Holes. More details can be found in our curriculum overview below. 

Please avoid reading the books with your children in advance, as this can spoil the excitement and intrigue!

Each book sequence involves reading, text analysis, vocabulary investigations, key grammatical skills, drafting, writing and publishing. We usually spend between 3-4 weeks on each text.

As writing was the area of learning most affected during the periods of home learning, it continues to be a school priority. In class, we will be focusing on spelling, punctuation and grammar - not just during English lessons, but across the curriculum.

In addition to the daily English lessons, there are regular comprehension, spelling and grammar lessons.

Please make sure that the key spellings (sent home at information evening) are practised well and displayed somewhere at home.

Below is the Year 5 assessment framework which is used to help level children's writing abilities. By the end of year 5, we expect children to be working at the 'expected standard' and this means that all of the criteria in the first two sections must be consistently demonstrated by your children.


Art, Design Technology and computing:

In Art, we will be looking closely at the work of Ted Harrison - an artist from North America (linking to our Geography topic). 

The children will use Ted Harrison's style to create their own piece of artwork. We will consider how lines are used in the pictures; the content of the foreground, middle-ground and background; the colours used and the mixture of reality and fantasy.

Computing: The learning in computing will cover the units of Databases and Spreadsheets. Children will understand how computing can help us with work and experience using these programs.

They will have the opportunity to create their own databases and spreadsheets.

DT - We will be learning about structures and making our own wooden photo frames.  The key question is:

How can I strengthen a frame structure?

Children will be required to:

  • evaluate a range of existing photo frames and how they are constructed
  • make a paper prototype of a frame that will hold a 9cm x 13cm photo
  • accurately measure and mark out materials
  • use a junior hacksaw to cut their wood and decide on the type of joins they wish to use (straight or 45 degree angles)
  • construct and strengthen the frame
  • consider the visual appeal and decorate their frame according to the intended user
  • evaluate their own products


We will teach spelling patterns/rules weekly and children will practise these in class.

Attached is the National Curriculum Statutory Spellings for years 3/4 and year 5/6.

Please note the children should be mainly secure with the Year 3/4 spellings and working towards the Year 5/6 words.



In Science this term, we will be learning about properties and changes of materials. The learning will include:

- comparing and grouping together everyday materials on the basis of their properties.

 - using knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated, including through filtering, sieving and evaporating 

-giving reasons, based on evidence from comparative and fair tests, for the particular uses of everyday materials, including metals, wood and plastic

- demonstrating that dissolving, mixing and changes of state are reversible changes

  • explaining that some changes result in the formation of new materials, and that this kind of change is not usually reversible.


This term we will be learning about The Americas. We will start by learning about the continent of North America, and move on to South America later. Our learning will require us to:

• Use a globe and an atlas to identify and label a map of the following: continents, countries, Tropics of Cancer/Capricorn, Arctic and Antarctic circles.

• Locate and name some of the countries, cities and key features

• Identify why settlements are different across North and South America (Human geography)

• Explain climate zones 

• Understand time zones 

• Describe some of the differing landscapes

•Focus on the physical geography, including: climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts, rivers, mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes, and the water cycle

•Identify geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of a region of the United Kingdom and a region within North or South America



As part of Cranborne's 'wider opportunities' provision, the Year 5 children have been earning to play the guitar with Mark - a music specialist.

We are hoping that the children will continue to develop their enjoyment and skill in playing the guitar and that we can put on a music concert for you at the end of term.

In class, we will be listening to a variety of music, appraising pieces,  singing together and investigating how music brings people together.

Year 5 Curriculum Overview


Year 5 Curriculum Overview:

Home learning for self-isolation, school closure or working from home:

In the event of your child being unwell or your child needing to work at home, please see below some activities that your child could complete if well enough to do so. 

If you need any help or support when working from home then please email your class teacher


Thank you

Geography - The Americas

Carry out some research about one of the countries in North or South america and prepare a presentation for the class

You could include things like:

  • the climate
  • the physical and human geography
  • the landscape
  • the main cities
  • the crops and main foods eaten there 

The presentation could be a poster, leaflet or PowerPoint... it's up to you!


Oak Academy

BBC Bitesize


 Maths practise:

Place Value:


Test your speed and mental maths against the clock:


Practice your maths knowledge and skills:

Laurel Fields, Potters Bar, Herts , EN6 2BA
01707 652714



Welcome to Year 5's class page.

Here you will find information about our fantastic learning, experiences, class information and any other news.

Class email details:


Mrs Christoforou:

Mrs Fleming:


Miss Hughes:

Mrs Antoniou:


Welcome to the Spring Term 2024-25

Dear Year 5 families, carers and children,

What an incredible Autumn term the children have had. We are so proud of how hard they have worked and the amazing work they have produced. 

Please find below some information about our learning that is planned for this term as well as some dates and documents that may be helpful. You can also find some suggestions (near the bottom of the page) for home learning if the school is closed or your child is unable to come to school, but feeling well enough:

Key Dates for Spring term

Monday 6th January - First day back for all children

Wednesday 15th January - Parent Consultation 4.30-7.30 

Thursday 16th January - Parent Consultation 3.45 - 6.30 

Thursday 16th January - Ancient Greece Day

Wednesday 22nd January - year 4-6 choir at the O2


Monday 17th - 21st February - Half Term

Monday 24th February - Inset day - no children please 


Thursday 6th March - World Book Day

Friday 4th April - Break up at 1:15



Monday 6th January First Day Back for All Children
Wednesday 15th January
Parent Teacher Consultations 4:30pm to 7:30pm
Thursday 16th January
Parent Teacher Consultations 3:45pm to 6:30pm
Thursday 16th January
Year 5 Ancient Greece Day – History off the Page
Wednesday 22nd January
Years 4, 5 & 6 Choir - Young Voices at The O2 Arena
Tuesday 28th January
Years 1 & 2 Mental Health Workshop for Parents 9am to 10am
Thursday 30th January
Year 6 RAF Museum Trip
Thursday 6th February
Year 1 History of Toys Day
Tuesday 11th February
Year 3 Epping Forest Field Studies Day



In Maths, we will revise and practise all of the maths skills that you have gained so far at school. We will also be extending your understanding and focusing on the following areas of learning:

  • fractions
  • area 
  • measure 
  • percentages 
  • shape
  • reflection/translation
  • At home, please continue to make regular use of Mathletics, Times Tables Rockstars and Purple Mash. Most days will begin with a Maths 'Early Morning Work' session.

Keep practising fast recall of the times tables as we know how hard you have all worked to learn these.


Physical Education:

This term, PE will be on Mondays and Fridays.

The PE foci for the autumn term will be hockey, gym, tag rugby and dance.

We will be having outdoor PE on a Monday afternoon, and indoor PE will be taught by Mr Roberts on a Friday afternoon.

Please ensure that children wear the required PE kit to school on these days, long hair is tied back and that earrings are removed. 


Religious Education: 

 Our key questions that will drive our learning this term:

Big Question 1- 

What spiritual pathways to moksha are written about in Hindu scriptures?


Big Question 2 -

What does the Qur'an reveal about Allah and his guidance?





How to help at home:

  • Use Pobble 365 website to practise creative writing
  • Practise times tables using Times Tables Rockstars
  • Reading together and asking what has happened so far
  • Discussing new vocabulary
  • Reading a range of genres: letters that come through the post, news articles
  • Practise your spellings by writing words in different colours or making a nice poster with tricky words on
  • Ask your child to explain the maths concept we have been learning this week
  • Baking – practise measuring and converting grams/kilograms
  • Telling the time

Oxford owl:

For extra spelling resources and ebooks please follow this link: 

Username: cranborne

Password: school 1 




In the Spring term, our key texts will be The Promise, The Explorer and Holes. More details can be found in our curriculum overview below. 

Please avoid reading the books with your children in advance, as this can spoil the excitement and intrigue!

Each book sequence involves reading, text analysis, vocabulary investigations, key grammatical skills, drafting, writing and publishing. We usually spend between 3-4 weeks on each text.

As writing was the area of learning most affected during the periods of home learning, it continues to be a school priority. In class, we will be focusing on spelling, punctuation and grammar - not just during English lessons, but across the curriculum.

In addition to the daily English lessons, there are regular comprehension, spelling and grammar lessons.

Please make sure that the key spellings (sent home at information evening) are practised well and displayed somewhere at home.

Below is the Year 5 assessment framework which is used to help level children's writing abilities. By the end of year 5, we expect children to be working at the 'expected standard' and this means that all of the criteria in the first two sections must be consistently demonstrated by your children.


Art, Design Technology and computing:

In Art, we will be looking closely at the work of Ted Harrison - an artist from North America (linking to our Geography topic). 

The children will use Ted Harrison's style to create their own piece of artwork. We will consider how lines are used in the pictures; the content of the foreground, middle-ground and background; the colours used and the mixture of reality and fantasy.

Computing: The learning in computing will cover the units of Databases and Spreadsheets. Children will understand how computing can help us with work and experience using these programs.

They will have the opportunity to create their own databases and spreadsheets.

DT - We will be learning about structures and making our own wooden photo frames.  The key question is:

How can I strengthen a frame structure?

Children will be required to:

  • evaluate a range of existing photo frames and how they are constructed
  • make a paper prototype of a frame that will hold a 9cm x 13cm photo
  • accurately measure and mark out materials
  • use a junior hacksaw to cut their wood and decide on the type of joins they wish to use (straight or 45 degree angles)
  • construct and strengthen the frame
  • consider the visual appeal and decorate their frame according to the intended user
  • evaluate their own products


We will teach spelling patterns/rules weekly and children will practise these in class.

Attached is the National Curriculum Statutory Spellings for years 3/4 and year 5/6.

Please note the children should be mainly secure with the Year 3/4 spellings and working towards the Year 5/6 words.



In Science this term, we will be learning about properties and changes of materials. The learning will include:

- comparing and grouping together everyday materials on the basis of their properties.

 - using knowledge of solids, liquids and gases to decide how mixtures might be separated, including through filtering, sieving and evaporating 

-giving reasons, based on evidence from comparative and fair tests, for the particular uses of everyday materials, including metals, wood and plastic

- demonstrating that dissolving, mixing and changes of state are reversible changes

  • explaining that some changes result in the formation of new materials, and that this kind of change is not usually reversible.


This term we will be learning about The Americas. We will start by learning about the continent of North America, and move on to South America later. Our learning will require us to:

• Use a globe and an atlas to identify and label a map of the following: continents, countries, Tropics of Cancer/Capricorn, Arctic and Antarctic circles.

• Locate and name some of the countries, cities and key features

• Identify why settlements are different across North and South America (Human geography)

• Explain climate zones 

• Understand time zones 

• Describe some of the differing landscapes

•Focus on the physical geography, including: climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts, rivers, mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes, and the water cycle

•Identify geographical similarities and differences through the study of human and physical geography of a region of the United Kingdom and a region within North or South America



As part of Cranborne's 'wider opportunities' provision, the Year 5 children have been earning to play the guitar with Mark - a music specialist.

We are hoping that the children will continue to develop their enjoyment and skill in playing the guitar and that we can put on a music concert for you at the end of term.

In class, we will be listening to a variety of music, appraising pieces,  singing together and investigating how music brings people together.

Year 5 Curriculum Overview


Year 5 Curriculum Overview:

Home learning for self-isolation, school closure or working from home:

In the event of your child being unwell or your child needing to work at home, please see below some activities that your child could complete if well enough to do so. 

If you need any help or support when working from home then please email your class teacher


Thank you

Geography - The Americas

Carry out some research about one of the countries in North or South america and prepare a presentation for the class

You could include things like:

  • the climate
  • the physical and human geography
  • the landscape
  • the main cities
  • the crops and main foods eaten there 

The presentation could be a poster, leaflet or PowerPoint... it's up to you!


Oak Academy

BBC Bitesize


 Maths practise:

Place Value:


Test your speed and mental maths against the clock:


Practice your maths knowledge and skills:
