Hello 2025!
Welcome back children and families! We hope you have enjoyed the Christmas break and are well rested ready for a busy term ahead!
Here, you will find all the information that you may need throughout the term: email addresses, resources and key dates. You will also find an outline of the topics we are covering in each subject.
The Y6 team:
Please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher or TA if you have any questions.
Key dates:
6/1/25 - First day back
15/1/25 - Parent Teacher consultations 4.30 - 7.30
16/1/25 - Parent Teacher consultations 3.45 - 6.30
22/1/25 - Young Voices
5/2/25 - RAF trip
14/2/24 - Half term
24/2/25 - INSET - no children please
6/3/25 - World Book Day
1/4/25 - Music concert
4/4/25 - Easter Holiday finish at 1.15pm
Our first topic for English will be based on the fantastic book 'Spiderwick Chronicles'. We will explore the narrative during reading lessons, and use the field guide to help us to write a non-chronological report about one of the creatures from the 'Invisible World'.
We will then move on to writing our own narrative, including speech, based on the short film 'Alma'. This is always a favourite for our Year 6 children, and one that gives plenty of opportunity for rich vocabulary and chance to create impact with their words.
As always, we will continue to enjoy and engage with high quality core texts throughout our English sequences. For the first few weeks, our reading lessons will focus on comprehension keys and vocabulary acquisition, exploring how precise and effective word choices impact a reader.
In addition to this, each morning the children will be taught how to answer specific questions including those that require evidence to support their answer. This is in preparation for the SATS at the end of the year, and we use various extracts from past papers to achieve this.
Whilst your child may be confident with word reading, please do try to hear them read aloud in order to develop fluency. If you can, encourage them to discuss their reading with you by giving their opinion on a character or summarising what has happened.
When reading with your child at home, you may want to use some of the following question stems:
Spelling rules and patterns will be taught weekly during specific spelling lessons and revisited throughout the week. The children will also need to practise spellings from the Year 5/6 Statutory Spelling list. You can find these words as a document uploaded on the right hand side of this page. For each writing unit, we will choose words from this list that are related to our core text, and therefore expect the children to use these in their writing.
In Maths, we follow the Herts Essentials Scheme for learning. During the Spring term, we will work on building our foundations in these topics:
We use a mastery approach in mathematics, so the children will prove their ideas in different ways including images, bar models and representations.
Each morning, the children will complete early work. This involves the children answering arithmetic questions to help develop their mental fluency. You can help at home by asking your child arithmetic style questions such as:
Our first topic is the circulatory system. We will identify parts of the human circulatory system. We will design experiments to find out the effects of exercise on our hearts and show our results on a line graph. We will also look at the function of the heart and the blood vessels in our bodies.
Our PSHE topics during the Spring term will be Dreams and goals and Healthy me . The sessions will follow the Jigsaw scheme.The following sessions are:
Personal Learning Goals
Steps to success
My dream for the world
Helping make a difference
Recognising Our Achievements
After the half term, the children will move on to Healthy me. The sessions are as follows:
Taking responsibility for my health and well-being
Emotional and mental health
Managing Stress and Pressure
Our PE Days will be on Monday and Thursday. We would like the children to wear their PE kits to school on these days.
Outdoor PE: Tennis
Indoor PE: Handball
In History, we will be learning about the Battle of Britain. Our key question is: Why was the Battle of Britain a significant turning point in British history?
Children will:
Describe the impact that the war had on children, men and women.
Describe the different experiences for men, women and children.
Know the historically significant dates for World War 2
Explain how the advances in British aircraft and radar gave us the advantage in air battles
Describe an Anderson shelter and the importance of these
Explore first hand recounts from families and use these sources to describe what life was like for an evacuee.
Explain why rationing was so important during WW2.
Use Primary and Secondary sources to ask and answer questions.
Understand the use of Propaganda – explore bias.
Consider reliable and unreliable sources of information.
Year 6 Teacher Assessment Framework for Writing
Year 5/6 Statutory Spellings
Useful resources:
The websites listed below may be useful in supporting your learning this year:
If you are unable to come to school, but are well enough to continue learning, please use some of the resources above. You may also wish to;
Hello 2025!
Welcome back children and families! We hope you have enjoyed the Christmas break and are well rested ready for a busy term ahead!
Here, you will find all the information that you may need throughout the term: email addresses, resources and key dates. You will also find an outline of the topics we are covering in each subject.
The Y6 team:
Please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher or TA if you have any questions.
Key dates:
6/1/25 - First day back
15/1/25 - Parent Teacher consultations 4.30 - 7.30
16/1/25 - Parent Teacher consultations 3.45 - 6.30
22/1/25 - Young Voices
5/2/25 - RAF trip
14/2/24 - Half term
24/2/25 - INSET - no children please
6/3/25 - World Book Day
1/4/25 - Music concert
4/4/25 - Easter Holiday finish at 1.15pm
Our first topic for English will be based on the fantastic book 'Spiderwick Chronicles'. We will explore the narrative during reading lessons, and use the field guide to help us to write a non-chronological report about one of the creatures from the 'Invisible World'.
We will then move on to writing our own narrative, including speech, based on the short film 'Alma'. This is always a favourite for our Year 6 children, and one that gives plenty of opportunity for rich vocabulary and chance to create impact with their words.
As always, we will continue to enjoy and engage with high quality core texts throughout our English sequences. For the first few weeks, our reading lessons will focus on comprehension keys and vocabulary acquisition, exploring how precise and effective word choices impact a reader.
In addition to this, each morning the children will be taught how to answer specific questions including those that require evidence to support their answer. This is in preparation for the SATS at the end of the year, and we use various extracts from past papers to achieve this.
Whilst your child may be confident with word reading, please do try to hear them read aloud in order to develop fluency. If you can, encourage them to discuss their reading with you by giving their opinion on a character or summarising what has happened.
When reading with your child at home, you may want to use some of the following question stems:
Spelling rules and patterns will be taught weekly during specific spelling lessons and revisited throughout the week. The children will also need to practise spellings from the Year 5/6 Statutory Spelling list. You can find these words as a document uploaded on the right hand side of this page. For each writing unit, we will choose words from this list that are related to our core text, and therefore expect the children to use these in their writing.
In Maths, we follow the Herts Essentials Scheme for learning. During the Spring term, we will work on building our foundations in these topics:
We use a mastery approach in mathematics, so the children will prove their ideas in different ways including images, bar models and representations.
Each morning, the children will complete early work. This involves the children answering arithmetic questions to help develop their mental fluency. You can help at home by asking your child arithmetic style questions such as:
Our first topic is the circulatory system. We will identify parts of the human circulatory system. We will design experiments to find out the effects of exercise on our hearts and show our results on a line graph. We will also look at the function of the heart and the blood vessels in our bodies.
Our PSHE topics during the Spring term will be Dreams and goals and Healthy me . The sessions will follow the Jigsaw scheme.The following sessions are:
Personal Learning Goals
Steps to success
My dream for the world
Helping make a difference
Recognising Our Achievements
After the half term, the children will move on to Healthy me. The sessions are as follows:
Taking responsibility for my health and well-being
Emotional and mental health
Managing Stress and Pressure
Our PE Days will be on Monday and Thursday. We would like the children to wear their PE kits to school on these days.
Outdoor PE: Tennis
Indoor PE: Handball
In History, we will be learning about the Battle of Britain. Our key question is: Why was the Battle of Britain a significant turning point in British history?
Children will:
Describe the impact that the war had on children, men and women.
Describe the different experiences for men, women and children.
Know the historically significant dates for World War 2
Explain how the advances in British aircraft and radar gave us the advantage in air battles
Describe an Anderson shelter and the importance of these
Explore first hand recounts from families and use these sources to describe what life was like for an evacuee.
Explain why rationing was so important during WW2.
Use Primary and Secondary sources to ask and answer questions.
Understand the use of Propaganda – explore bias.
Consider reliable and unreliable sources of information.
Year 6 Teacher Assessment Framework for Writing
Year 5/6 Statutory Spellings
Useful resources:
The websites listed below may be useful in supporting your learning this year:
If you are unable to come to school, but are well enough to continue learning, please use some of the resources above. You may also wish to;
Hello 2025!
Welcome back children and families! We hope you have enjoyed the Christmas break and are well rested ready for a busy term ahead!
Here, you will find all the information that you may need throughout the term: email addresses, resources and key dates. You will also find an outline of the topics we are covering in each subject.
The Y6 team:
Please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher or TA if you have any questions.
Key dates:
6/1/25 - First day back
15/1/25 - Parent Teacher consultations 4.30 - 7.30
16/1/25 - Parent Teacher consultations 3.45 - 6.30
22/1/25 - Young Voices
5/2/25 - RAF trip
14/2/24 - Half term
24/2/25 - INSET - no children please
6/3/25 - World Book Day
1/4/25 - Music concert
4/4/25 - Easter Holiday finish at 1.15pm
Our first topic for English will be based on the fantastic book 'Spiderwick Chronicles'. We will explore the narrative during reading lessons, and use the field guide to help us to write a non-chronological report about one of the creatures from the 'Invisible World'.
We will then move on to writing our own narrative, including speech, based on the short film 'Alma'. This is always a favourite for our Year 6 children, and one that gives plenty of opportunity for rich vocabulary and chance to create impact with their words.
As always, we will continue to enjoy and engage with high quality core texts throughout our English sequences. For the first few weeks, our reading lessons will focus on comprehension keys and vocabulary acquisition, exploring how precise and effective word choices impact a reader.
In addition to this, each morning the children will be taught how to answer specific questions including those that require evidence to support their answer. This is in preparation for the SATS at the end of the year, and we use various extracts from past papers to achieve this.
Whilst your child may be confident with word reading, please do try to hear them read aloud in order to develop fluency. If you can, encourage them to discuss their reading with you by giving their opinion on a character or summarising what has happened.
When reading with your child at home, you may want to use some of the following question stems:
Spelling rules and patterns will be taught weekly during specific spelling lessons and revisited throughout the week. The children will also need to practise spellings from the Year 5/6 Statutory Spelling list. You can find these words as a document uploaded on the right hand side of this page. For each writing unit, we will choose words from this list that are related to our core text, and therefore expect the children to use these in their writing.
In Maths, we follow the Herts Essentials Scheme for learning. During the Spring term, we will work on building our foundations in these topics:
We use a mastery approach in mathematics, so the children will prove their ideas in different ways including images, bar models and representations.
Each morning, the children will complete early work. This involves the children answering arithmetic questions to help develop their mental fluency. You can help at home by asking your child arithmetic style questions such as:
Our first topic is the circulatory system. We will identify parts of the human circulatory system. We will design experiments to find out the effects of exercise on our hearts and show our results on a line graph. We will also look at the function of the heart and the blood vessels in our bodies.
Our PSHE topics during the Spring term will be Dreams and goals and Healthy me . The sessions will follow the Jigsaw scheme.The following sessions are:
Personal Learning Goals
Steps to success
My dream for the world
Helping make a difference
Recognising Our Achievements
After the half term, the children will move on to Healthy me. The sessions are as follows:
Taking responsibility for my health and well-being
Emotional and mental health
Managing Stress and Pressure
Our PE Days will be on Monday and Thursday. We would like the children to wear their PE kits to school on these days.
Outdoor PE: Tennis
Indoor PE: Handball
In History, we will be learning about the Battle of Britain. Our key question is: Why was the Battle of Britain a significant turning point in British history?
Children will:
Describe the impact that the war had on children, men and women.
Describe the different experiences for men, women and children.
Know the historically significant dates for World War 2
Explain how the advances in British aircraft and radar gave us the advantage in air battles
Describe an Anderson shelter and the importance of these
Explore first hand recounts from families and use these sources to describe what life was like for an evacuee.
Explain why rationing was so important during WW2.
Use Primary and Secondary sources to ask and answer questions.
Understand the use of Propaganda – explore bias.
Consider reliable and unreliable sources of information.
Year 6 Teacher Assessment Framework for Writing
Year 5/6 Statutory Spellings
Useful resources:
The websites listed below may be useful in supporting your learning this year:
If you are unable to come to school, but are well enough to continue learning, please use some of the resources above. You may also wish to;
Hello 2025!
Welcome back children and families! We hope you have enjoyed the Christmas break and are well rested ready for a busy term ahead!
Here, you will find all the information that you may need throughout the term: email addresses, resources and key dates. You will also find an outline of the topics we are covering in each subject.
The Y6 team:
Please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher or TA if you have any questions.
Key dates:
6/1/25 - First day back
15/1/25 - Parent Teacher consultations 4.30 - 7.30
16/1/25 - Parent Teacher consultations 3.45 - 6.30
22/1/25 - Young Voices
5/2/25 - RAF trip
14/2/24 - Half term
24/2/25 - INSET - no children please
6/3/25 - World Book Day
1/4/25 - Music concert
4/4/25 - Easter Holiday finish at 1.15pm
Our first topic for English will be based on the fantastic book 'Spiderwick Chronicles'. We will explore the narrative during reading lessons, and use the field guide to help us to write a non-chronological report about one of the creatures from the 'Invisible World'.
We will then move on to writing our own narrative, including speech, based on the short film 'Alma'. This is always a favourite for our Year 6 children, and one that gives plenty of opportunity for rich vocabulary and chance to create impact with their words.
As always, we will continue to enjoy and engage with high quality core texts throughout our English sequences. For the first few weeks, our reading lessons will focus on comprehension keys and vocabulary acquisition, exploring how precise and effective word choices impact a reader.
In addition to this, each morning the children will be taught how to answer specific questions including those that require evidence to support their answer. This is in preparation for the SATS at the end of the year, and we use various extracts from past papers to achieve this.
Whilst your child may be confident with word reading, please do try to hear them read aloud in order to develop fluency. If you can, encourage them to discuss their reading with you by giving their opinion on a character or summarising what has happened.
When reading with your child at home, you may want to use some of the following question stems:
Spelling rules and patterns will be taught weekly during specific spelling lessons and revisited throughout the week. The children will also need to practise spellings from the Year 5/6 Statutory Spelling list. You can find these words as a document uploaded on the right hand side of this page. For each writing unit, we will choose words from this list that are related to our core text, and therefore expect the children to use these in their writing.
In Maths, we follow the Herts Essentials Scheme for learning. During the Spring term, we will work on building our foundations in these topics:
We use a mastery approach in mathematics, so the children will prove their ideas in different ways including images, bar models and representations.
Each morning, the children will complete early work. This involves the children answering arithmetic questions to help develop their mental fluency. You can help at home by asking your child arithmetic style questions such as:
Our first topic is the circulatory system. We will identify parts of the human circulatory system. We will design experiments to find out the effects of exercise on our hearts and show our results on a line graph. We will also look at the function of the heart and the blood vessels in our bodies.
Our PSHE topics during the Spring term will be Dreams and goals and Healthy me . The sessions will follow the Jigsaw scheme.The following sessions are:
Personal Learning Goals
Steps to success
My dream for the world
Helping make a difference
Recognising Our Achievements
After the half term, the children will move on to Healthy me. The sessions are as follows:
Taking responsibility for my health and well-being
Emotional and mental health
Managing Stress and Pressure
Our PE Days will be on Monday and Thursday. We would like the children to wear their PE kits to school on these days.
Outdoor PE: Tennis
Indoor PE: Handball
In History, we will be learning about the Battle of Britain. Our key question is: Why was the Battle of Britain a significant turning point in British history?
Children will:
Describe the impact that the war had on children, men and women.
Describe the different experiences for men, women and children.
Know the historically significant dates for World War 2
Explain how the advances in British aircraft and radar gave us the advantage in air battles
Describe an Anderson shelter and the importance of these
Explore first hand recounts from families and use these sources to describe what life was like for an evacuee.
Explain why rationing was so important during WW2.
Use Primary and Secondary sources to ask and answer questions.
Understand the use of Propaganda – explore bias.
Consider reliable and unreliable sources of information.
Year 6 Teacher Assessment Framework for Writing
Year 5/6 Statutory Spellings
Useful resources:
The websites listed below may be useful in supporting your learning this year:
If you are unable to come to school, but are well enough to continue learning, please use some of the resources above. You may also wish to;
Hello 2025!
Welcome back children and families! We hope you have enjoyed the Christmas break and are well rested ready for a busy term ahead!
Here, you will find all the information that you may need throughout the term: email addresses, resources and key dates. You will also find an outline of the topics we are covering in each subject.
The Y6 team:
Please do not hesitate to contact your class teacher or TA if you have any questions.
Key dates:
6/1/25 - First day back
15/1/25 - Parent Teacher consultations 4.30 - 7.30
16/1/25 - Parent Teacher consultations 3.45 - 6.30
22/1/25 - Young Voices
5/2/25 - RAF trip
14/2/24 - Half term
24/2/25 - INSET - no children please
6/3/25 - World Book Day
1/4/25 - Music concert
4/4/25 - Easter Holiday finish at 1.15pm
Our first topic for English will be based on the fantastic book 'Spiderwick Chronicles'. We will explore the narrative during reading lessons, and use the field guide to help us to write a non-chronological report about one of the creatures from the 'Invisible World'.
We will then move on to writing our own narrative, including speech, based on the short film 'Alma'. This is always a favourite for our Year 6 children, and one that gives plenty of opportunity for rich vocabulary and chance to create impact with their words.
As always, we will continue to enjoy and engage with high quality core texts throughout our English sequences. For the first few weeks, our reading lessons will focus on comprehension keys and vocabulary acquisition, exploring how precise and effective word choices impact a reader.
In addition to this, each morning the children will be taught how to answer specific questions including those that require evidence to support their answer. This is in preparation for the SATS at the end of the year, and we use various extracts from past papers to achieve this.
Whilst your child may be confident with word reading, please do try to hear them read aloud in order to develop fluency. If you can, encourage them to discuss their reading with you by giving their opinion on a character or summarising what has happened.
When reading with your child at home, you may want to use some of the following question stems:
Spelling rules and patterns will be taught weekly during specific spelling lessons and revisited throughout the week. The children will also need to practise spellings from the Year 5/6 Statutory Spelling list. You can find these words as a document uploaded on the right hand side of this page. For each writing unit, we will choose words from this list that are related to our core text, and therefore expect the children to use these in their writing.
In Maths, we follow the Herts Essentials Scheme for learning. During the Spring term, we will work on building our foundations in these topics:
We use a mastery approach in mathematics, so the children will prove their ideas in different ways including images, bar models and representations.
Each morning, the children will complete early work. This involves the children answering arithmetic questions to help develop their mental fluency. You can help at home by asking your child arithmetic style questions such as:
Our first topic is the circulatory system. We will identify parts of the human circulatory system. We will design experiments to find out the effects of exercise on our hearts and show our results on a line graph. We will also look at the function of the heart and the blood vessels in our bodies.
Our PSHE topics during the Spring term will be Dreams and goals and Healthy me . The sessions will follow the Jigsaw scheme.The following sessions are:
Personal Learning Goals
Steps to success
My dream for the world
Helping make a difference
Recognising Our Achievements
After the half term, the children will move on to Healthy me. The sessions are as follows:
Taking responsibility for my health and well-being
Emotional and mental health
Managing Stress and Pressure
Our PE Days will be on Monday and Thursday. We would like the children to wear their PE kits to school on these days.
Outdoor PE: Tennis
Indoor PE: Handball
In History, we will be learning about the Battle of Britain. Our key question is: Why was the Battle of Britain a significant turning point in British history?
Children will:
Describe the impact that the war had on children, men and women.
Describe the different experiences for men, women and children.
Know the historically significant dates for World War 2
Explain how the advances in British aircraft and radar gave us the advantage in air battles
Describe an Anderson shelter and the importance of these
Explore first hand recounts from families and use these sources to describe what life was like for an evacuee.
Explain why rationing was so important during WW2.
Use Primary and Secondary sources to ask and answer questions.
Understand the use of Propaganda – explore bias.
Consider reliable and unreliable sources of information.
Year 6 Teacher Assessment Framework for Writing
Year 5/6 Statutory Spellings
Useful resources:
The websites listed below may be useful in supporting your learning this year:
If you are unable to come to school, but are well enough to continue learning, please use some of the resources above. You may also wish to;