Laurel Fields, Potters Bar, Herts , EN6 2BA
01707 652714

Year 2

Welcome to the web page for classes 2C and 2GJ


Staff in Year 2

2C - Mrs Caldwell, Mrs Moretti

2GJ - Mrs Gammon (Mon, Tues & Wed), Mrs Jackson (Thu & Fri) and Mrs Crawshaw 

Year 2 - image 0
Year 2 - image 1
Year 2 - image 2
Year 2 - image 3
Year 2 - image 4

Welcome to Spring Term 2025 in Year 2! 

Diary Dates Spring Term 2025

6th January - First day back for children

15th January - Parent teacher consultation 4:30pm - 7:30pm

16th January - Parent teacher consulstation 3:45pm - 6:30pm

28th January - 9:00 Year 1 and 2 Mental Health Workshop for parents

17th - 21st February - Half Term Break

24th February - INSET Day - no children in school

6th March - World Book Day

18th March - Mental Health Workshop - resilience

19th March - NO AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS due to staff training

21st March - 2GJ visit to Royal Vet. College

27th March - 2C visit to Royal Vet. College

1st April - Music concert (instruments only)

4th April - Last day of term - school finishes at 1;15pm

Link to the school calendar

Link to the school term dates 


Year 2 Overview

Please see the overview below for all the exciting things that you will be learning this year!

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The focus for all homework at Cranborne will now be centred around daily reading and sharing of books and the learning of core maths skills.

Each week, we will add a note in this space to inform parents/carers which spellings and maths skills we are focusing on in class. Parents/carers can then support their child(ren) to practise and consolidate this knowledge at home.

We recommend using your child's Mathletics account (username and password can be found inside the cover of their reading record) to practise key skills. There are activities available for all areas and topics across the Maths curriculum and you can adapt the level of challenge to suit your child. Times Tables Rockstars (TTRS) is also invaluable to help your child learn their times tables. The focus in Year 2 is 2, 5 and 10 times tables but feel free to encourage your child to move onto the 3, 4 and 8 times tables if they already have a good grasp of these. Again, their username and password for TTRS can be found inside the cover of their reading record.  The Topmarks website and BBC Bitesize also have many online maths games.

If you would like to try some paper-based learning, CGP ( offer a wide range of Year 2 specific workbooks with explanations and answers.

Please do continue to read with your child everyday. This is one of the most impactful things you can do. Share the book together, reading a few pages and discussing the story and characters. You can use the questions on the bookmark we sent home to support this discussion.


Week Commencing 24.03.25

Spellings:  again, all, are, ask, bath, be

Maths:  We will be completing our end-of-term assessments this week.  You could practise times tables and perhaps challenge yourself to see how they link to division e.g. 5 x 4 = 20, 20 divided by 5 = 4.


Time Table Rockstars: 2s, 5s and 10 times tables



Oxford Owl:

For extra spelling resources and ebooks, please follow this link: 

Username: cranborne

Password: school 1 


Common Exception words/

Red Tricky words

Below, are the list of common exception, or red tricky, words for Year 2. These are words that do not follow the usual sound patterns.  You could try these fun ways to practise spelling the words:

  • write the words in different colours
  • How many times can you write one of the words in a minute?
  • How many of the same word can you fit on a Post-it?
  • write the word using your non-dominant hand
  • write the word in the air
  • write the word with your eyes closed
  • rainbow write a word (go over the word with different colours)

Questions to ask, whilst reading with your child


Spelling rules
Please find our spelling rules for this half term

Rule Tip Example words
The or sound spelt a before l and ll   all, tall, always, already, altogether, walk, chalk, stalk
adding 'ed' to words

if the words ends in y - change to and i then add ed


If there are 2 consonants just add ed 


If there is a short vowel sound, double the consonant and add ed

dry -> dried



hunt -> hunted



spot-> spotted


The soft c sound when a c comes before i,y or e is usually makes the s sound. city, cell, exercise, icycycle, rice, mice
Adding the suffix –y

If there is a short vowel sound you double the consonant 

mud -> muddy

run -> runny 

Adding the suffix –y

if the word has an e you take it off and add a y 

shine -> shiny 

wave -> wavy

Adding the suffix –ly
(to words to make adverbs)

When a word ends in y we swap the i for a y otherwise no change to root.

happy ->happily

easy-> easily

soft -> softly

The n sound spelt kn and gn   gnome. know, knife

Adding the suffix – ing
(to words ending in a short vowel and a consonant)

If the word ends in a short vowel sound and a consonant, we double the consonant. Otherwise, no change.

play -> playing

put -> putting

glow-> glowing

sip -> sipping


There are a a range of ways to present the 'j' sound.


j - before a, o u


g before e, i, y


ge at the end


dge after the short vowel sounds a,e,i,o or u 

join, adjust


gentle, giant


charge  large


badge bridge


P.E. (from January 2025)

Outdoor PE lesson - Wednesdays (both classes)

Indoor PE lesson -   2C on Tuesdays and 2GJ on Thursdays

On these days, children are to come into school dressed in their PE kit. Please ensure they are in weather appropriate clothing as they will be outside at lunch and break times in these clothes.

Please also ensure that all parts of your child(ren)'s kit is clearly labelled.  Long hair must always be tied back and it would be safer if earrings were not worn.


Year 2 library visit days are:

Wednesdays - Class 2GJ

Fridays - Class 2C

Reading Books 

Please ensure that your child reads a everyday at home, in addition to the daily reading they do at school. We can not stress how important this is in helping your child to become a confident and fluent reader.  Please send reading books and reading records into school each day.


Reading at home

Using books at home

  • Read to a grown up and answer questions about your book - your grown up can use the questions in the document below
  • Read together with a grown up - taking turns to read
  • Read to sibling, pet or teddy bear!
  • Re-tell the story in your own words
  • Predict what will happen at the end of the story then read the book to see if you were right
  • Draw a cartoon of the story


The link below will take you to the free online library. A Year 2 account has been created for your use.

Username: square20

Password: school

The Oxford Owl website is a great, free resource that enables you to access online texts for your child. These are the same schemes of books we have in school. The books are all grouped by age range, but you may wish to look at other ages also.

Herts Library Service

The Herts. Library Services are offering free online books also. Please follow the link below to access it.

Our learning this spring term...


This term, we will be learning to:

  • interpret graphs and tables
  • apply our understanding of addition and subtraction to solving word problems
  • use written methods to record addition and subtraction
  • recall quickly the facts for the 2, 5 and 10 times tables
  • understand the link between multiplication and division
  • tell the times to 5 minutes on analogue and digital clocks



This term, we will be reading Lila and the Secret of Rain by David Conway and Jude Daley, which tells the story of a village that is in desperate need of some rain.  We shall be writing a recount of the story in role as Lila and we will be adding our own version of the ending.

We shall also be reading Stone Girl, Bone Girl by Laurence Anholt, which tells the story of the famous fossil hunter, Mary Anning.  We will be writing our own reports about Mary Anning's life.

During our learning we will be:

  • revising sentence structure, including capital letters at the start of sentences, and for proper nouns, and full stops, exclamation and question marks at the end of sentences
  • extending our use of punctuation to commas for lists and apostrophes for contraction (he's) and possession (Lila's pencil)
  • using expanded noun phrases, e.g. the ancient magician with the tall hat
  • expanding sentences using co-ordination (e.g. and, but, so) and sub-ordination (e.g. because, when, if) 
  • using powerful adjectives and verbs

In our handwriting, we will be focusing on correct formation and consistent sizing.



Our first science topic is 'Plants' and we will be learning how seeds and bulbs grow into mature plants.  We will also learn about what plants need to grow and stay healthy.

Our second topis is 'Animals including humans' during which we will learn about the basic needs of animals for survival.  To enhance our learning, we shall be visiting Bolton's Park Farm in Brookman's Park to study the care of farm animals.



Foundation Subjects

History - We will be learning about famous nurses such as Edith Cavell, Mary Seacole and Florence NIghtingale.  Our key question is 'How have nurses in the past contributed to the care that we receive today?'

Geography - We will be finding out how life in Potters Bar, England is different to life in Kenya.

PE   Outdoor - Invasion games

        Indoor - Gymnastics and dance

Computing - We will be learning to search for information safely and effectively.  We will also be using programs to create and edit music.

R.E -  We will be exploring the key questions 'How do some Muslims show Allah is compassionate and merciful? and 'What are the best symbols of Jesus' death and resurrection at Easter?'

PSHE - Our Jigsaw topics for the spring term are 'Dreams and Goals' and 'Healthy Me'.

DT- We will be sewing African animal hand puppets using basic stitching and decorating techniques.

Art- We will be using typical African patterns to create a Kenyan drum.

Music - We will be inventing a musical story and will think about how music makes the world a better place.


Year 2 e-mails

Please use the personal email addresses below if you need to message your child's class teacher directly.

Mrs Caldwell :

Mrs Moretti:

Mrs Gammon:

Mrs Jackson:

Mrs Crawshaw:

Please see below the slides that were shown at this year's parent information talk.


Home Learning

In the case of bad weather and school closure or if your child is isolating but well enough to work,  please see the list of activities below, that they can complete at home so they can continue to learn.

The work below will support your child in they key areas of arithmetic, reasoning, and SPAG ( spelling, punctuation and grammar). 

As well as these acitivities, you can make use of Mathletics ( for Maths ) and Purple Mash (for reading and other curriculum games).

You can use ' PE with Joe Wicks' you keep you moving. His YouTube Channel is: 

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Home Learning Support
Please find below some resources which may be helpful in supporting your child with their learning at home. 

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The website 'DoorwayOnline' is  a great resource for helping your child develop their letter formation.

Using the link below, you can select the letters you would like your child focus on.

There are two modes:

  • Press and Follow - your child places their finger (if using an iPad/tablet) or the computer mouse (if using a computer or laptop) on the ball and maintains pressure as they follow the formation of the letter, lead by the program.
  • Free Draw - your child uses their finger or the mouse to copy over the letter, starting in the correct place, as indicated on the screen.

Using an iPad/tablet is best, with this program, as your child can use their finger directly on the screen.